Below are select projects from the DSC's research and work. If you are looking for a particular project's information and don't see it, please feel free to contact us via the Contact Page and we will be in touch!
Mapping Postwar American Poetry in the Age of Digital Audio Archives
Department: A&S English
Researcher: James Lee, PhD & Ankit Basnet, PhD Candidate
Dataset and Source: Anthologies and audio archives of postwar American poetry from Elliston, PennSound, and voca databases
Status: Completed
Goals and/or Outcomes: Using social network analysis and visualization on two different archival sources, anthologies and audio archives of postwar American poetry, to increase the visibility of these audio archives and and to ascertain to what extent they represent the canon of postwar American poetry that we’ve know through textual sources. When we compared these audio archives with poetry anthologies using network analysis method, we found that these archives are often allied with distinct poetic communities and movements, and they were structurally crucial in consolidating the social networks of emergent poetic formations. In other words, without these audio archives, we only know half of the story about the formation of poetic communities and canon(s) in the postwar period.
Researcher: James Lee, PhD & Ankit Basnet, PhD Candidate
Dataset and Source: Anthologies and audio archives of postwar American poetry from Elliston, PennSound, and voca databases
Status: Completed
Goals and/or Outcomes: Using social network analysis and visualization on two different archival sources, anthologies and audio archives of postwar American poetry, to increase the visibility of these audio archives and and to ascertain to what extent they represent the canon of postwar American poetry that we’ve know through textual sources. When we compared these audio archives with poetry anthologies using network analysis method, we found that these archives are often allied with distinct poetic communities and movements, and they were structurally crucial in consolidating the social networks of emergent poetic formations. In other words, without these audio archives, we only know half of the story about the formation of poetic communities and canon(s) in the postwar period.
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- Sound and Poetry Project